July 2015 is when I started at HT fitness. My goal was just to release stress and to lower my cholesterol. My doctor always tells to me that I am overweight. One day I was cleaning my closet and I found some clothes that don’t fit me anymore. I told my husband that I needed to do something about this. I wanted to go back to my old weight before I had my two kids which was 118 lbs. My doctor says I should weigh 125 lbs because of my height. Working overnight and going to day shift was a big adjustment for me. We eat a lot of unhealthy food and fast food. The stress level is high with my current job with a lot of expectations, responsibilities and dealing with almost 500 employees. Part of releasing our stress is to eat. I asked one of my friend’s which gym she goes and she recommended HT fitness and Jesica. My husband, my daughter and i went to see HT fitness. July 5th to be exact, that’s when I tried Zumba and boot camp. I decided that same day to join the HT family.My goal is to be at least 125 lbs. I was kind a unsure if I would be able to go because of my work schedules. When I started my weight was 152 lbs and I wore a size 6 or 8 in pants. Blouses I normally wore large because my arms are big. 3 month’s later I am shopping for new work clothes. To my surprise I am now size 0/2 petite and small or xsmall on tops. I lost 20 lbs and 6 inches. It’s an amazing feeling. I could image I would get that small in just 12 weeks. I’ve accomplished my first goal. It’s all about motivation and the willingness to do it. No excuses…Thank you Jesica